Wunan Foundation cyber-incident update

Published on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 7:49:00 AM

As previously announced in late March 2023, Wunan Foundation experienced a cyber-security incident where an unidentified third-party may have gained unauthorised access to an area of the Wunan Foundation IT environment.

Upon discovery of the incident, we engaged leading external cyber-security and forensic IT experts to support us in securing our IT environment and to investigate what may have occurred.

This investigation is now complete and identified the unauthorised third-party may have gained access to some business / commercial information held in our IT environment. Following our investigation, we do not believe that any personal information has been or will be misused.

We will keep this under review for 3 months, including implementing dark web monitoring, and take any appropriate actions as required if this position changes.

Wunan Foundation takes cyber security very seriously and has applied enhanced cyber-security measures to prevent any recurrence. We have also notified the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Office of Information Commissioner (OAIC) of the incident.

For clarity, Wunan Health and Wellbeing Centre is a separate entity to Wunan Foundation and is not involved in this cyber-security incident.

Should any stakeholders have questions or concerns in relation to this matter, they can contact us via communications@wunan.org.au and we will respond as soon as possible.

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